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Cardinals extend Kliff Kingsbury, Steve Keim until 2027

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By: Wilson Conn


With the Los Angeles Rams coming fresh off of a Super Bowl win (I’m still in denial, by the way) and the San Francisco 49ers having appeared in the NFC Championship, it sure is nice to see at least one of our divisional rivals headed in the wrong direction.

On Wednesday, the Cardinals announced that they will be extending the head coach/general manager tandem of Kliff Kingsbury and Steve Keim through the 2027.

I’m not necessarily surprised at the extension, as the Cardinals have had moderate success under Kingsbury, but he clearly holds the team back with his often questionable in-game decision-making and unimaginative offensive scheme. Not to mention the fact that Kyler Murray’s agent has been taking to Twitter to write essays about his client’s desire to work through his issues with the team recently.

Ultimately, I do have to say that I almost laughed out loud when I saw the news. Curtis Rogers from ESPN 710 summed up my feelings nicely in this tweet.

Originally posted on Field Gulls