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Miami Dolphins’ Biggest Need for 2024 According To You

6 min read
<div><figure> <img alt="SPORTS-FBN-HYDE-COLUMN-MI" src=""> <figcaption>Al Diaz/Miami Herald/Tribune News Service via Getty Images</figcaption> </figure> <p id="OAq4s2">Earlier this week I asked the question(s) “So tonight’s question of the day is what is this team’s biggest need, roster-wise, this coming offseason? Do you see an an entire unit being the issue? Is it just a few key players that need to be replaced? Maybe it’s just a matter of better depth at some key positions.”</p> <p id="W11MPW">Below are some of your answers-</p> <p id="rqBu8t"><strong>ajzride </strong>wants to see the team step up their game with strength and conditioning and an update to the offensive line.</p> <blockquote> <p id="op2OjL">New Strength and Conditioning regimen.</p> <p id="K09gLL">A close second will be an OL that is consistent enough that it allows the offense to move on from a 1 read and chunk it mindset.</p> </blockquote> <p id="tiLulg"><strong>Dolfanjoe </strong>wants a new left tackle and maybe...a quarterback...</p> <blockquote><p id="q6jI5W">Resign, release, and trade. These are things that will make our wish list. At this point in time we need everything again! QB if they decide to go in a different direction. Sure doubtful but anything is possible. Biggest need, Left tackle for the next 10 years..................</p></blockquote> <p id="MNPtro"><strong>LongSufferingPhinsFan</strong> sounds ready to clean house, top to bottom.</p> <blockquote><p id="C2QpiI">Almost every position could use an upgrade and that includes the coaching staff and front office.</p></blockquote> <p id="Hai9eR"><strong>phinsatx</strong> is another looking for an OL upgrade as well as the next ZT.</p> <blockquote><p id="zBjSYC">I’d probably say O-Line. Not necessarily because it is the biggest need, but seems the most fixable. If they retain Hunt and Williams, then they could possibly draft a good LG and roll with Armstead/Resigned Lamm comb again. That line seemed pretty good when it was firing on all cylinders. Inside LB might be my next up or top priority. That Zach Thomas guy that is everywhere and destroying everyone would be nice. If they could draft that kind of guy too then it would be an amazing draft.</p></blockquote> <p id="bem153"><strong>MIAMI235 </strong>seconds phinsatx on a new stud LB.</p> <blockquote><p id="ssgt36">Game-changing MLB.</p></blockquote> <p id="iT5aIg"><strong>David7777 </strong>says OL and MLB. I see a recurring theme developing here... Oh, and also a new CB room except for Ramsey.</p> <blockquote> <p id="eMpQdm">For years now this fan base has been SCREAMING to get us a real O-Line. As much improved as the O-line was this year, it still was not good enough. The plan of having Tua get rid of the ball in under 2.5 seconds did not work with the better teams.</p> <p id="34BYA0">Mahomes got destroyed in the SB against Tampa Bay. KC immediately upgraded their O-Line and you can see the difference. Buffalo could not even get close to Mahomes yesterday. Please do the same for Tua, also get us a good MLB, and replace every CB except for Ramsey and this team will make it to the SB</p> </blockquote> <p id="3kXrpG"><strong>Bill Moody </strong>damn right it is and always will be! Wait, I freaking hope not...</p> <blockquote><p id="KUzsmL">Its O-Line. It’s always been O-Line. It will always be O-Line.</p></blockquote> <p id="bkrScV"><strong>MiMiami</strong> is ready for a new signal caller and of course OL help. </p> <blockquote> <p id="7J6kEa">1. QB</p> <p id="sNxaYZ">2. Anything on the o-line</p> <p id="PAOUrQ">IDK what’s worse. Watching Tua crumble in the 4thQ or watching Eich/Connor chuck the ball over Tua’s head at the snap.</p> </blockquote> <p id="EnScN2"><strong>Geoff_MI </strong>is over the whole Tua thing...</p> <blockquote><p id="dSP8CU">New QB. All of Tuna’s excuses were removed this year. No injury to him. Normal injuries to rest of offense, but nothing crushing. Running game improvement. Offensive scheme that gets first-read receiver open more than any other offense. Second year in same offense. Two WR1’s with one being an MVP candidate. Easy schedule. 9 home games and no bad weather games in regular season. Despite all excuses being removed, we got the same Tuna that hasn’t been able to reliably win tough games at end of season and playoffs. He lost 4 straight at end of last year. 0-3 in playoffs.</p></blockquote> <p id="Gv0uPQ"><strong>superbowl8 </strong>wants some defense, OL, and depth.</p> <blockquote><p id="IaMhvx">Defenses players , a strong and big O.L , A TEAM BUILT FOR NEXT MAN UP who can do the job. And the team needs to stop being so predictable , I see it , you know the other teams do. And last Tua needs to be able to throw far enough to get to the wide outs . Been with the team since 1968 , fans see same ole every year since Ross bought the team.</p></blockquote> <p id="SbwhFJ"><strong>Molly Polly II </strong>says some DB and LB help, get Howard out of here, fire Madison, and get some damn TEs that can dominate and do other great TE stuff! </p> <blockquote> <p id="WtpmCk">First, Defense for a start. DB and LB in particular, trade XMan, he isn’t worth the money for time played! Cut ties with Madison, DB Coach. Cam Smith has been here all season and our DBs minus Ramsey are subpar at best. Madison hasn’t earned the position coach to stay on staff! As for Baker…..that’s all I got to say.</p> <p id="Kdf7UW">Second, Sick n tired of the most successful teams in the NFL having outstanding TEs, meanwhile we continue to suck at this position. I suppose if I have my son open NFL Madden and trade Smythe for Kelce, we’d prob use Kelce only to block for WR bubble screens! </p> <p id="G1uIq6">Lastly….stop blaming Tua for every crappy player on our team!</p> </blockquote> <p id="DquZRa"><strong>DX@TX </strong>is ready to cut ties with Grier. </p> <blockquote><p id="jLUq2z">Dolphin’s biggest need is a GM with an eye for talent</p></blockquote> <p id="hj5qQQ"><strong>tpl </strong>is also on the OL train, and wants some better depth at WR and wants to know can we do something with the TE position. </p> <blockquote><p id="2x7cbu">Miami’s biggest need is offensive line. Left Tackle, Center, or Guard. RG Hunt is unsigned. Center connor williams will not be ready and Miami needs a center. Armstead may retire, thus re-signing Lamm should be a priority. Is T Ryan Hayes the answer at LT? He was on the practice squad all of last year and re-signed so maybe. Second I would say WRs and TE. Is Ezukanma the 3rd WR?Then why was claypool not used extensively? Smythe is a decent TE, but what about Julian Hill and Tanner Conner? Can they become a factor this year?</p></blockquote> <p id="mEN0k3"><strong>D-fanatic</strong> has a whole slew of ideas. Also, I am glad that Alpha did not see this comment. </p> <blockquote> <p id="aE8RPi">I am going to post this then get off immediately . Try to combine x and waddle trade for a high draft pick and beefy inside linebacker. Resign Hunt, Van Ginkel. Try to arrive at a team friendly contract with Chosen. Now you have a tall fast and shorter superstar receiver combo. Resign Berrios and use him in the slot, dual performer as return man. Mcdaniels limit some of the motion and replace it with some positional strategy. Actually stop and call several different plays from the same look. Love the motion but as soon as a key player gets injured results in more penalties than the deception warrants. Draft a center!!!.</p> <p id="I9PItT">Draft another corner. Sign Wilkins to a deal. Cut ogbah, Ingram seems to hav another year as a sub. Keep Mostert or Wilson, not both. You have Achane and Brooks, younger, cheaper and the same combination of. Speed and power. Tua is the best available now give him next year.</p> </blockquote> <p id="mgYI0m"><strong>Tryagain1216</strong> I guess is another that wants to see a new starting QB.</p> <blockquote><p id="3YtvYf">This team with Tua will always be a good team until in matters most.</p></blockquote> <p id="fQlm7z">Well, that’s our random 15 comments for tonight. I would like to again thank everyone who takes the time to stop in and comment on the question of the day posts. We will be back Saturday night to look at some of the comments on another one of our question-of-the-day posts. </p></div>

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By: James McKinney

Al Diaz/Miami Herald/Tribune News Service via Getty Images

Earlier this week I asked the question(s) “So tonight’s question of the day is what is this team’s biggest need, roster-wise, this coming offseason? Do you see an an entire unit being the issue? Is it just a few key players that need to be replaced? Maybe it’s just a matter of better depth at some key positions.”

Below are some of your answers-

ajzride wants to see the team step up their game with strength and conditioning and an update to the offensive line.

New Strength and Conditioning regimen.

A close second will be an OL that is consistent enough that it allows the offense to move on from a 1 read and chunk it mindset.

Dolfanjoe wants a new left tackle and maybe…a quarterback…

Resign, release, and trade. These are things that will make our wish list. At this point in time we need everything again! QB if they decide to go in a different direction. Sure doubtful but anything is possible. Biggest need, Left tackle for the next 10 years………………

LongSufferingPhinsFan sounds ready to clean house, top to bottom.

Almost every position could use an upgrade and that includes the coaching staff and front office.

phinsatx is another looking for an OL upgrade as well as the next ZT.

I’d probably say O-Line. Not necessarily because it is the biggest need, but seems the most fixable. If they retain Hunt and Williams, then they could possibly draft a good LG and roll with Armstead/Resigned Lamm comb again. That line seemed pretty good when it was firing on all cylinders. Inside LB might be my next up or top priority. That Zach Thomas guy that is everywhere and destroying everyone would be nice. If they could draft that kind of guy too then it would be an amazing draft.

MIAMI235 seconds phinsatx on a new stud LB.

Game-changing MLB.

David7777 says OL and MLB. I see a recurring theme developing here… Oh, and also a new CB room except for Ramsey.

For years now this fan base has been SCREAMING to get us a real O-Line. As much improved as the O-line was this year, it still was not good enough. The plan of having Tua get rid of the ball in under 2.5 seconds did not work with the better teams.

Mahomes got destroyed in the SB against Tampa Bay. KC immediately upgraded their O-Line and you can see the difference. Buffalo could not even get close to Mahomes yesterday. Please do the same for Tua, also get us a good MLB, and replace every CB except for Ramsey and this team will make it to the SB

Bill Moody damn right it is and always will be! Wait, I freaking hope not…

Its O-Line. It’s always been O-Line. It will always be O-Line.

MiMiami is ready for a new signal caller and of course OL help.

1. QB

2. Anything on the o-line

IDK what’s worse. Watching Tua crumble in the 4thQ or watching Eich/Connor chuck the ball over Tua’s head at the snap.

Geoff_MI is over the whole Tua thing…

New QB. All of Tuna’s excuses were removed this year. No injury to him. Normal injuries to rest of offense, but nothing crushing. Running game improvement. Offensive scheme that gets first-read receiver open more than any other offense. Second year in same offense. Two WR1’s with one being an MVP candidate. Easy schedule. 9 home games and no bad weather games in regular season. Despite all excuses being removed, we got the same Tuna that hasn’t been able to reliably win tough games at end of season and playoffs. He lost 4 straight at end of last year. 0-3 in playoffs.

superbowl8 wants some defense, OL, and depth.

Defenses players , a strong and big O.L , A TEAM BUILT FOR NEXT MAN UP who can do the job. And the team needs to stop being so predictable , I see it , you know the other teams do. And last Tua needs to be able to throw far enough to get to the wide outs . Been with the team since 1968 , fans see same ole every year since Ross bought the team.

Molly Polly II says some DB and LB help, get Howard out of here, fire Madison, and get some damn TEs that can dominate and do other great TE stuff!

First, Defense for a start. DB and LB in particular, trade XMan, he isn’t worth the money for time played! Cut ties with Madison, DB Coach. Cam Smith has been here all season and our DBs minus Ramsey are subpar at best. Madison hasn’t earned the position coach to stay on staff! As for Baker…..that’s all I got to say.

Second, Sick n tired of the most successful teams in the NFL having outstanding TEs, meanwhile we continue to suck at this position. I suppose if I have my son open NFL Madden and trade Smythe for Kelce, we’d prob use Kelce only to block for WR bubble screens!

Lastly….stop blaming Tua for every crappy player on our team!

DX@TX is ready to cut ties with Grier.

Dolphin’s biggest need is a GM with an eye for talent

tpl is also on the OL train, and wants some better depth at WR and wants to know can we do something with the TE position.

Miami’s biggest need is offensive line. Left Tackle, Center, or Guard. RG Hunt is unsigned. Center connor williams will not be ready and Miami needs a center. Armstead may retire, thus re-signing Lamm should be a priority. Is T Ryan Hayes the answer at LT? He was on the practice squad all of last year and re-signed so maybe. Second I would say WRs and TE. Is Ezukanma the 3rd WR?Then why was claypool not used extensively? Smythe is a decent TE, but what about Julian Hill and Tanner Conner? Can they become a factor this year?

D-fanatic has a whole slew of ideas. Also, I am glad that Alpha did not see this comment.

I am going to post this then get off immediately . Try to combine x and waddle trade for a high draft pick and beefy inside linebacker. Resign Hunt, Van Ginkel. Try to arrive at a team friendly contract with Chosen. Now you have a tall fast and shorter superstar receiver combo. Resign Berrios and use him in the slot, dual performer as return man. Mcdaniels limit some of the motion and replace it with some positional strategy. Actually stop and call several different plays from the same look. Love the motion but as soon as a key player gets injured results in more penalties than the deception warrants. Draft a center!!!.

Draft another corner. Sign Wilkins to a deal. Cut ogbah, Ingram seems to hav another year as a sub. Keep Mostert or Wilson, not both. You have Achane and Brooks, younger, cheaper and the same combination of. Speed and power. Tua is the best available now give him next year.

Tryagain1216 I guess is another that wants to see a new starting QB.

This team with Tua will always be a good team until in matters most.

Well, that’s our random 15 comments for tonight. I would like to again thank everyone who takes the time to stop in and comment on the question of the day posts. We will be back Saturday night to look at some of the comments on another one of our question-of-the-day posts.

Originally posted on The Phinsider